1 minute read

As much as living in a parking lot for the last two months has kept me from getting soft and has increased my general perspective on how wonderful my life overall is, yesterday was a great day.

The moment that Brightside’s keel touched it’s reflection on getting lowered was as beautiful as looking up at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and remarkably similar.

I spent the next hour and half rigging up the jib and making all preparations to get underway. Bleeding air out of seawater intake, burping the dripless shaft seal, etc. I was not able to bend and hoist the main since the halyard needs to be replaced and I was without the tools needed to do so. So I headed out with the plan of motor-sailing under the jib alone.

Lighthouse on Rose Island with Pell Bridge backdrop
Lighthouse on Rose Island with Pell Bridge backdrop

About to pass under the Pell Bridge
About to pass under the Pell Bridge

Jib filling nicely. I could not wipe that smile off my face all day
Jib filling nicely. I could not wipe that smile off my face all day

The camera can do no justice. The colors everywhere were spectacular
The camera can do no justice. The colors everywhere were spectacular

  • 14:29 –> started the deisel
  • 14:29-15:27 –> Rigging jib, bleeding lines, etc.
  • 15:40 –> Underway
  • 15:48 –> passed G3
  • 16:03 –> passed R12
  • 16:10 –> Passed under Pell Bridge
  • 16:25 –> Passed G17

I’m not positive what explosive anchorage means exactly, but I was not about to drop the hook. And I didn’t exactly drive right over it either
I’m not positive what explosive anchorage means exactly, but I was not about to drop the hook. And I did not exactly drive right over it either.

  • 16:59 –> Passed G21
  • 17:12 –> Passed R24
  • 17:20 –> Entered harbor at N.E.B.
  • 17:30 –> Engine stopped
  • 17:36 –> Brightside is moored

No one was present on the docks to help out in line handling, so I had to bring her in solo. I was a bit scared, since I haven’t driven a boat this size in about 15 years and pulling into a dock solo was never easy for me.

All went well. I pulled right in to my slip with no complications and stopped short of ramming anything. The slip right next to mine was still vacant, so next time might be a tighter squeeze, but all in all, everything went smoothly today and I loved EVERY second of it. I just wish Grete and the kids could have been here with me in more than spirit.

Relaxing at the end of the day with a "glass" of wine
Relaxing at the end of the day with a “glass” of wine
