1 minute read

The old saying goes, “The two happiest days in a sailor’s life are the day he buys his boat and the day he sells it”. I vehemently disagree, and feel like this saying has been perpetuated by people who were suckered into buying lemons.

Brightside resting at her slip in Melville Marina

The happiest day was the day I bought it, and every single day I went sailing was a very close second. The worst day by far is the day I sold it. Of course, I am moving back to Kanas City and a 28 foot boat makes no sense there, so selling Brightside was the only reasonable option.

I sold the boat for exactly what I paid for it, so essentially I got a six-month boat rental for free. My six month love affair with this great girl has ended.

Dinner in the cockpit
I’ll miss my meals aboard. A great way to start and end a day

The buyers seem like a really great couple who are looking forward to the adventures they’ll have as they embark on the journey of boat-ownership for the first time. That eases the blow a bit. Knowing that this beautiful girl is in the hands of folks who will love her.

Fira at the helm
Fira under-instruction at the helm

Schoolwork in the cabin
Lazy afternoon aboard. I love how quickly we all settled into boat life. I have high hopes for the future.

Enjoying a glass of wine
Grete’s first night aboard a sailboat. It seems like I made the right choice in convincing her that our family should do this. Of course I plied her a bit with the wine, but I’ll stop at nothing.

This blog will be dormant for a while now as this chapter of my sailing life is ending. When posts begin again they will be in anticipation of the large boat and the large trip and the ways we hope it will enrich our lives.

Sunset in Melville Marina
Lovely sunset in Melville. Good-bye for now seafaring life.
