less than 1 minute read

Any period in the yards would be time wasted if you didn’t take the chance to slap on a fresh coat of paint.



Biggest lesson learned here, don’t be a cheapskate. I knew I’d need a brush for painting around the rudder and near the crotch of the keel etc. so I thought, why not paint the whole thing with a brush.

After an hour of scrubbing and cleaning the bottom, followed by over an hour of painting with a brush, my arms were ready to fall off and the paint was covering less than 1/4 of the hull. Daylight was running thin. I called an audible and made a quick run to Home Depot for a roller and pan. Wow. What a world of difference. In about 30-40 minutes I have the other 80% or so of the boat painted (plus I scooped up a pizza on my way back, so double score).

I wrapped up just in time to go sit on the dock with my pizza and enjoy the sunset. Not bad for a day’s work.

Not a bad way to end the day
Not a bad way to end the day
