Common Constructor Mistakes in C++

5 minute read


It is very common to have some difficulty when constructing custom classes in C++. Below I’ll discuss what tend to be the two most common problems I see with student submissions. The first is local scope vs instance variables. The second is a lack of default constructors.


Don't Hassle Me, I'm Local shirt from What About Bob

A very common issue comes from forgetting about the concept of variable scope in C++. Any time we call a function (and a constructor is just a function, after all) we can declare local variables inside that function. For example:

int Foo::MyCoolFunction (double importantData)
	std::string nameOfCoolStuff = "me, probably";
	instanceData = importantData; // instance data, should use this->
	importantData += 1.37;

The code block above does a few things.

  • It declares a locally-scoped variable named importantData (this happens in the function declaration).
  • It declares another locally-scoped variable named nameOfCoolStuff.
  • It assigns the value passed in to the function to an instance variable called instanceData. After that, we make some change to importantData. Then the function ends. That final change did nothing since the variable is local and goes out of scope at the closing brace.

Note that setting instance data should be done by prefixing with this-> for clarity. It isn’t necessary (from the compiler’s perspective) to prepend this-> as long as no local variable has the same name. This confusion is so easy to avoid with just a few keystrokes. Get in the habit.

The same applies when the instance variable you wish to set is an object. The first line in this function declares a locally-scoped variable which gets deleted at the conclusion of the function…typically not what is desired in a constructor.

Myclass ()
    MyOtherClass reallyImportantStuff(7); // local scope
    this->instanceObject = MyOtherClass(12); // available outside constructor

If you put the variable type in front of the variable name, you are declaring a variable. That variable will have a local scope and is lost upon completion of the constructor function.

Initialization List

If one class contains another class, you might run into issues if no default constructor exists for the contained class instance. This is because of how C++ calls constructors. When a constructor is called, in initializes all instance variables before starting the execution of the constructor body. If a class contains another class, it will initialize the variable by using a default constructor. This is not an issue if a default constructor exists, but if one does not your code will not compile.

bar.cpp|9 col 3 error| constructor for ‘Bar’ must explicitly initialize the member ‘myFoo’ which does not have a default constructor

bar.cpp|6 col 7 error| note: member is declared here

foo.cpp|1 col 7 error| note: ‘Foo’ declared here


class Foo
		int value;
		Foo (int value) { this->value = value; }


#include "foo.cpp"

class Bar
		Foo myFoo;

		Bar ()
			myFoo = Foo(12);

So, what if you cannot make changes to the class to add a default constructor? Or perhaps you just don’t think a default constructor makes sense.

Well, if you know the data that you plan to pass to the inner constructor ahead of time, you can use an initialization in your function declaration. They are quite simple, for example the constructor in bar.cpp above could have been written like this instead:

Bar () : myFoo(12) { };

This initializes myFoo before the constructor body is executed. Note that in this trivial example, we no longer need to do anything in the constructor body, thus the function is now empty { }.

More than one initialization can be used, just separate them by a comma, e.g.

Bar () : myFoo(12), myInt(4), myString("hello world") { };


I hope this helps clear some things up. If you have questions, ask Google or StackOverflow. If you are my student, come on by my office hours and we’ll get it figured out together.