Talks and presentations

Git and GitHub

September 14, 2021

Lecture and Workshop, The University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida

The talk was given as a part of our workshop supplements to assist students with fringe topics that when misunderstood have detrimental impacts on their ability to absorb primary course matter.

Utilizing Test-Driven Development in a Data Structures Course

July 23, 2021

Conference presentation, FECC 2021, Las Vegas, NV

High failure rates in Data Structures and Algorithms courses suggest the need for different approaches to teaching programming. This work contains a description of an effort to introduce Test-Driven Devlopment (TDD) in a first course in data structures. Methods of teaching and utilization of the method are described, as are empirical results regarding student utilization of TDD and outcomes in the course. Instruction and project distribution that focuses on unit testing indicates an adoption of an incremental development methodology by the students in the study. Advantages, pitfalls and issues that need to be addressed in order to utilize the approach successfully in intermediate programming courses are discussed.

Fighting Organizational Inertia

March 20, 2020

Conference presentation, SICSE Technical Symposium 2020, Portland, OR

This talk was given at SIGCSE 2020. It was a GitHub sponsored talk.